Today trigger is going for a walk into town to visit Mommy at her new job. This is a picture of a place close to where we live and as you can see Trigger thought the view behind us was to good to pose for. Or maybe he saw a squirrel? This pic was in Aug and it was super hot that day. Besides snow I think swimming is Triggers favourite thing and we’re so glad he can still swim! Besides Mom and Dad and Trigger we also now have a kitten and Trigger doesnt know what to think of him yet. We named him Mittens because he’s got six toes on each of his paws. What’s with all these freaky pets???
Today is Dec. 26th and Trigger is feeling much better after an event filled Christmas that left his back leg sore. He did have fun though, Opening presents and getting spoiled with food. He also went sledding with us and spent time with his brothers, Jiggy and Bob.